Creating high-performing campaigns


TerragonPrime is an all-in-one marketing platform that data-rich organisations can use to maintain laser-like customer targeting. It gives them a single solution to aggregate all their data, enrich it, before using the insights to target messaging through multiple channels. The platform allows users to visualise customer attributes (such as their age range, their mobile operator, their device type, customer value etc.), segment the customer base, and tailor messaging.



Terragon Group


Marketing Tech




UX Design, UI Design, User Interviews, User Testing

Team Credit

Sreejith Kalladithodi and Toye Fatolu

The edge

TerragonPrime offers organisations of all sizes the unique ability to refine their audience. Rather than spending lots of money sending non-targeted campaigns which typically convert less, audiences can be defined according to data sets and interests relevant to that organisation.  In essence, TerragonPrime guarantees that campaigns are targeted at people who are more likely to respond favourably to them.

Creating a campaign

Two types of campaigns can be created using TerragonPrime:

  • SMS campaigns
  • WhatsApp campaigns. 

Organizations specify campaign details such as the campaign name, channel, message, and timeline. For WhatsApp campaigns, they can choose a “campaign message template” which can then be personalised in order to send them to their already opted-in customers.

Refining audiences

Users can refine their targetable audiences by parameters including age, gender, economic rating, location, devices and interests. For example, a fintech in Lagos whose target market is young people in Lagos can specifically target people aged 18 – 35 in Lagos who have previously shown interest in tech and have either an Android phone or an iPhone.

Managing on-the-go

TerragonPrime was made mobile responsive for smaller or more mobile organisations. The design goal was to ensure a similar experience powered by the same capabilities on mobile web as with the desktop site.

My final take

Since it is such an extensive tool prioritised by a big company, TerragonPrime required a lot of continuous work. Live feedback from users continually fed into the design process. As a designer, it was interesting to see how design assumptions sometimes differs from actual user priorities. It’s a bit like thing where economists assume human beings to be rational actors in their models, only to be surprised that things are a little more complicated in real life.